Monday, February 14, 2011

Front Porch Family Portrait Fridays!

Have you ever had the opportunity to go through boxes of old family portraits?  Yes, this can be a chore, but there are always pictures that you come across that stand out or are special to you in one way or another.  

In the last year, I have had several such opportunities and I find I most enjoy those images that not only have family members in them, but that in a single picture manage to capture a moment in time.

What I always notice is how incredible it is to see how our past generations lived, what our family members looked like in their younger days, how they dressed themselves and what their prize possessions were.  It's even interesting just to see the items they surrounded themselves with and how they adorned their homes. So over the weekend I began to search for some old family portraits online and i found a great blog that I would love to share with you (but alas, I accidentally closed the page rather than copying the name of the blog or the address).  The blog was just what I was looking for. 

Here are some of the images that intrigued me based on the details they carried about the individuals, the family units and their homes.

In the midst of all the things that keep our lives so busy, isn't it nice to just sit and enjoy a family get-together out on the front porch?  Isn't it rejuvenating to relax outside and feel warm spring breezes and smell the new trees and flowers as they become new again?

Let's get together this spring and summer to capture some timeless images for you and your family to share with YOUR future generations.  I'll come to your home and we'll do a mini-portrait session right on your front porch.  We'll showcase your family from your very own front porch and show future generations what life was like in your day.

Front Porch Fridays will begin March 18th and run thru the summer.  If you've got a family, I've got a Friday, but hurry there are only 24 possible dates and between wedding rehearsals and family events, these will go quickly.  

Contact me today to book YOUR Front Porch Friday!

Sessions are just $100 and include my time and travel, professional editing, your images posted into your own personal web page from which you may view or place orders AND a bonus of $25 towards wall art of your choice. 

(Additional fees may apply if your front porch is outside of Allegany County.  Wall Art bonus has no cash value and will be void should you choose to forgo using it.)

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