Monday, April 19, 2010

Walk Now for Autism, Cumberland Tri-state

Lately I am learning so much about what really makes me smile when I am behind the camera.  I had the opportunity to be the official photographer for the Walk Now for Autism Walk.  I had no idea what I was in for, but I had walked in it the year before for our cousin Tristan and I knew that I had to be a part of it the next year, but on a deeper level.  So this year I jumped right in.

I was so deeply moved and touched by the incredible people I met all day.  From capturing the smaller children touched by Autism trying to catch bubbles, to falling in love with a group of older Autistic Boy Scouts, I had a blessed day.  By the end of the day I had laughed and cried and done lots of hugging, which if you know me are all things very much ME!  Here are some of my favorite images of the day.

Thank you Marcy Hardinger for sharing this amazing rewarding experience with me.  I will never miss it again! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Please watch for the all the images this week on my Facebook site.  Be sure to tag every picture with anyone you know in it so they can all be sure to get their own!

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